Tuesday, July 30, 2002

the term crud means Create Read Update Delete.

in broadvision they don't have hot deploy so they restart all the servers (not at the same time so the site doesn't go down) they call it draining the servers.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

out of curiosity i looked last night to see what companies were offering portal solutions. a portal solution offers functionality similar to my yahoo. i thought i would pass it along. what i found is that there are offerings from application server companies (ibm, oracle, sun), erp companies (SAP and peoplesoft), and "pure plays" (Epicentric, BroadVision, Plumtree, and Bowstreet), to name a few. According to one article, Epicentric is the market leader, and Bowstreet is the leading innovator.

another article said:
"Plumtree and Epicentric still offer the most thorough portal products today," additionally naming named Vignette and SAP Portals to the group offering "the most usable portal framework products." It also named Oracle and BEA Systems as other vendors "best prepared to serve enterprise portal needs."


